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Tanda-Tanda dan Penyebab Dyspraxia, Gangguan Gerak dan Koordinasi pada Anak

Tanda-Tanda dan Penyebab Dyspraxia, Gangguan Gerak dan Koordinasi pada Anak
Ilustrasi dyspraxia. Credit: freepik

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Dyspraxia is a chronic condition that can be recognized from childhood and is a disorder of body movement coordination. It does not affect a person's intelligence, but can influence cognitive abilities. 

What causes dyspraxia, and can it be cured? Read the review in the following article.


What Is Dyspraxia?

Dyspraxia is also a fine and gross motor learning difficulty or developmental coordination disorder. When performing a task, individuals with dyspraxia find it difficult to plan what needs to be done and how to carry out everyday activities. For instance, someone with dyspraxia might struggle with hand movements, such as waving, jumping, writing, and brushing teeth.

This condition does not affect a person's intelligence, although it can cause learning difficulties in children. In people with dyspraxia, the brain does not process information in the normal way that allows for full neural message transmission. People with dyspraxia are often described as being out of sync with their environment.


Signs of Dyspraxia

Dyspraxia symptoms can be observed in infants and toddlers and can persist into adulthood. The development of dyspraxia differs for each child. Common indicators that someone might have dyspraxia include:

  • Difficulty maintaining balance, such as frequently falling, bumping into people or objects, and appearing clumsy
  •  Difficulty walking and going up and down stairs
  •  Difficulty speaking, writing, and using scissors compared to peers
  • Difficulty buttoning their clothes, tying shoelaces, and brushing teeth.
  •  Restlessness, often moving their legs and arms
  • Difficulty in sports such as cycling, jumping, throwing, and kicking a ball

If not managed, dyspraxia can develop into adulthood and impact the quality of life. Adults with dyspraxia might struggle with daily tasks, affecting their social lives, such as:

  • Learning new skills, thinking, and remembering information
  • Performing daily living skills like dressing or preparing food
  • Difficulty writing, typing, drawing, and holding small objects 
  • Poor social relationships with those around them
  • Difficulty managing emotions
  • Struggles with time management, planning, and personal organization skills


Causes and Risk Factors of Dyspraxia

Movement coordination is a complex process that involves numerous nerves and various parts of the brain. Issues within these organs and nerves can lead to difficulties with movement and coordination.

Experts do not yet know the exact cause of dyspraxia, but several risk factors are believed to increase the risk of developing dyspraxia, such as:

  • Being born prematurely
  • Being born with low birth weight
  • Having a family history of dyspraxia
  • Maternal alcohol consumption or substance abuse during pregnancy


Can Dyspraxia Be Cured?

Dyspraxia is a chronic condition that cannot be cured, but the right combination of therapies can help improve children's gross and fine motor coordination. Some types of therapy that can be provided to individuals with dyspraxia include:

  • Occupational therapy
  • Speech therapy
  • Perceptual motor programs
  • Physical therapy

Dyspraxia affects each child differently, depending on which areas experience coordination problems and the severity of the condition. It is essential to tailor the type of therapy to the child's needs to ensure they remain independent and develop optimally.


Dyspraxia is a movement coordination disorder that can be seen in childhood. Although it does not affect intelligence, it can impact social life. If you have questions about child development, it is best to consult a doctor or use the consultation features available on the Ai Care app.


Writer : Ratih AI Care
Editor :
  • dr. Monica Salim
Last Updated : Rabu, 5 Juni 2024 | 08:50